21 FEBRUARY 2024






The Care and Independence and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee scrutinises the needs of vulnerable adults, older people and people whose independence needs to be supported by intervention from the public or voluntary sector and housing.


Committee Meeting on 7 December 2023

The Committee last met on 7 December 2023, in person in The Brierley Room at County Hallall.H. At that meeting, Members received detailed presentations on:

·         Adult Social Care Pressures and Charging Reform (Trailblazer)

·         Suicide Prevention and Audit

·         Housing Strategy

·         Development of the Integrated Care Systems and Partnerships that cover North Yorkshire

·         A Discussion around the Kirkwood Hall Visit.


There were no public questions or statements.


Outlined below are further details in relation to some of the areas that the committee has been looking at.


Adult Social Care Pressures and Charging Reform (Trailblazer)

The Committee received an update from Anton Hodge, Assistant Director, Resources on Adult Social Care Pressures and Charging Reform (Trailblazer).This covered financial pressures, timetable and any further learning band covered the following points:


The Committee then discussed in some detail the issues and asked questions around budgetary commitments and spend and help from other authorities.


Suicide Prevention and Audit

An Update on activity, prevalence and action from Dr Victoria Turner, Public Health Consultant and Dan Atkinson, Public Health Manager.

This focussed on the following:


A discussion followed and the Committee asked questions around availability of data leading to possible reasons for suicide, waiting list times and for support and treatment and education in schools for teenagers.


Kirkwood Hall Visit Feedback

Feedback from the visit to Kirkwood Hall on 21st November 2023.

As part of the remit of the Care & Independence and Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee we look at Care Homes and Assisted Living accommodation in North Yorkshire. It was suggested some time ago, in fact before Covid struck, that we arrange a visit to Kirkwood Hall in Leyburn. A number of Committee members attended, and we met with staffand residents and looked at some of the assisted living elements being used by residents and then had the opportunity to discuss and ask questions. I think all members that attended found it very useful.


Housing Strategy

This presentation was to advise members on the housing strategy, the councils ambitions, priorities and targets and how we fulfil our role as a strategic housing authority. It was emphasised that this was not a local plan and covered the following points:


It was reiterated that housing covered a broad area and subject matter and whilst the action plan covered the next 3-4 years,  a number of things were under way currently. It was agreed that a further meeting would be arranged for committee members to understand the housing strategy in more detail. This is scheduled for 8th February 2024.


Development of the Integrated Care Systems and Partnerships that cover North Yorkshire

A presentation from Richard Webb on the Integrated Care Boards that cover North Yorkshire.

Richard covered the make-up and how Health and Adult services worked with the Integrated Care Systems and identified the priorities

The Committee heard how strong progress has been made since the introduction of the Integrated Care System in July last year with good working links being developed with Lancs and South Cumbria and a strong joint working with Bradford and Craven partnerships.

Areas identified for development include:


Committee Workplan

Having discussed challenges facing adult healthcare across the County generally, and in particular the areas the Committee felt would be a priority in terms of Scrutiny over the next 18-24 months, the workplan has been updated to reflect this. The Committee is keen to work collaboratively and will therefore continue to link in with the Council’s Area Constituency Committees (ACC’s) to ensure focus is maintained at a local level and also the Scrutiny Board to facilitate a County wide perspective. The Committee will also continue to work closely with the Scrutiny of Health Committee allowing continued joint working around adult social care.


The next meeting of the committee will be at 10am on 28 March 2024.